Omani Frankincense Natural Soap
Try the effectiveness of nature's formula on your skin, that manually extracted from the purest and finest frankincense beads in the peaks of the Dhofar Mountains in Oman , which is characterized by its strong and refreshing scent as it contains in its ingredients one of the strongest anti-inflammatory, which is cortisone, that stimulates the production of collagen in the skin, that gives it the required softness and radiance and prevents dryness for a long periods, It also has an effective role in cleansing the skin from bacteria and germs, with deeply and gently nourishing and renewing skin cells, it also unifying its color and reducing pigmentation and melasma with eliminating wrinkles, acne and scars, It is also an effective treatment for soothing eczema and psoriasis. In addition to this, it is considered as a gentle exfoliate and a natural remover of dead skin. So take care of the health of your skin by adding this soap to your daily and basic care routine for taking care of it, as your skin deserves all the attention and care to maintain it in a more youthful, radiant and smooth appearance.