Ground ginger
Ground ginger:
It is a kind of spice used in cooking and food dried ginger that features a spicy flavor that adds a distinctive flavor to foods and drinks. Contains many vitamins and contains very useful nutritional properties.
Health Benefits:
It is considered effective in alleviating nausea and vomiting feeling .
Used to relieve migraine pain
Contains anti-inflammatory compounds called zengiberins, which reduce inflammation in the body
Treatment of arthritis symptoms and respiratory infections.
Enhances the release of digestive enzymes and promotes digestion
Helps to relieve bloating, gases and intestinal convulsions.
Improves blood flow and promotes blood circulation.
Relieves pain associated with inflammation and muscle pain
Improves athletic performance and increases the body's stamina.
Contains antioxidants that promote the health and strengthening of the immune system and protect the body from diseases and infections.
It is a natural painkiller.
Helps in weight descent

Ground ginger
1.250 KD