Whole star anise seeds

From 2.500 KD

size: 250g

2.500 KD
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Whole Star Anise seeds 
It is considered to be an anise family, bearing the scientific name Illicium verum. Characterized by its unique star-shaped shape, it is a key ingredient in cooking and is used in folk medicine grown in a subtropical climate in southern China, India and Japan.

Healthy Benefits:
1-Stimulation of digestive enzymes
2-Improved bowel movement
3-Reduce bloating, gases and acidity.
4-Relieving cough and bronchial congestion
5-It acts as an anti-inflammatory in cases of cold and sore throat.
6-Promoting heart health
7-Contains antioxidants
8-Reduce LDL cholesterol levels.
9-It is considered a natural calming of nerves and help to relieve stress and-anxiety and improve sleep
10-Contains antibacterial and antifungal properties
11-Useful in treating some inflammation of the mouth and skin.
12-Contains vitamin A, C, potassium, magnesium, calcium and phosphorus
13-Strengthen the immune system by containing vitamins and important minerals
14-Treatment of constipation and stomach disorders caused by IBS
15-Contains potassium metal that contributes to activating circulation, strengthening the heart muscle and maintaining the balance of fluids and salts in the body.

How to use

Whole Star Anise seeds Uses:

1-Used in spices and foods to give a distinctive flavor

2-Used in desserts to give great flavor.

3-It is used in folk medicine to treat many celiac disorders and breathing problems, anxiety and stress.

4-Added to tea and hot drinks to enjoy their health benefits by Boil Water Adding Anise to Boiling WaterLeave it for a little 10 minutes.Well filtered Add honey to enhance flavor